The pope is blessing apples while pirates are after the booty.
Anyways, great job, keep it up!
The pope is blessing apples while pirates are after the booty.
Anyways, great job, keep it up!
Filled with AWESOME
This is seriously the best series on the interwebs.
That's one crazy gecko.
You, my friend , are a genius! THIS IS EPIC, he's like moving his head and stuff.
Nice idea
An original idea, this is pretty much how I play these games... For being your first flash, it's very good!
Really nice
Great job, too bad it was canceled.
Also, the easter egg: When the 8-bit Cortana crosses, click the terminal for character bios.
Oh Noez! you know the secret!
Poor dog :(
It's the damn kid's fault the dog died... And this is violent and HAPPY.
A great song to a great video. There's not much else to ask for.
B is the best of them all.
Really nice
This, my friend, is win!
Thanks a bunch.
The only problem I had was the voice acting. Other than that is was really good.
The voice was the best part :[ Thanks though.
Joined on 7/22/08